Simple and transparent pricing

Up to 25 active employees
$5 / month
Up to 50 active employees
$10 / month
Up to 100 active employees
$15 / month
Up to 200 active employees
$20 / month
Start your free 14 days trial
  • No credit card required
  • Pay only for the active employees
  • Cancel at any time

All payments are securely handled by

VAT may be applied depending on your tax location.

Registered business can enter their VAT ID to remove the tax charges.

Frequently asked questions

What happens after the 14 days trial?

If you decide to continue using Teamchi (hurray!) you’ll be asked to start your paid subsbscription via PayPal, Apple Pay or credit/debit card.

You don’t have to do anything if you didn’t like Teamchi (sad HR noises :( ) - your company’s account and all its data will be deleted automatically after 14 days.

Will I get a proper invoice?
Yes. All payments are securely handled by Paddle (our Merchant of Record) and you will get an invoice from them. They are specialized in managing purchases including tax collection and invoicing for each country.
Do I have to pay for a terminated employee account?

No. Only the active employees are counted.
Regarding the terminated employee, you will have two options depending whether you want to keep the account's data or not:

  • Deactivate the employee account - only your company admins will have access to it
  • Delete the employee account - permanently delete the account's profile and data
Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription plan?

Yes. You can upgrade and downgrade at any time.

When you choose a lower plan, if your current active employees count is higher than the plan's limit, you'll be asked to select which employees you'll want to deactivate in order to satisfy the new subscription requirement.

You will be charged the price of the new plan from the next billing cycle.

Can I reactivate previously deactivated employee account?

Yes. An inactive employee account can be reactivated at any time.

You'll need to upgrade to a higher plan only if you've reached your current subscription active employees limit.

Where I can find further assistance?

Feel free to contact us at ... with any open questions.